Prepare to discover the magnificent Fairy Chimneys, the breathtaking valleys, and the natural beauties of Cappadocia from hundreds of meters above, and be amazed.
Get ready to explore the Fairy Chimneys, with their breathtaking natural beauty that is beyond imagination, on horseback!
Cappadocia is one of the regions in Turkey that offers the richest trails for those interested in hiking and climbing. Are you ready to discover natural wonders on every trail?
How about experiencing a little adrenaline and action while having fun in the fairy chimneys and valleys?
Imagine yourself as the main character in a movie scene, with the fairy chimneys witnessing your joy among steep slopes and narrow valley paths! The thrill and joy of the experience, whether you’re splashing in the valley, getting dirty in the mud, or riding through a cloud of dust with your ATV, will be an entirely different experience. Red Valley, Meskendir, Güllüdere, Love Valley, Devrent Valley, and many other breathtaking valleys are waiting to captivate you with their unique beauty!
If you wish, you can take advantage of the services of expert masseuses or masseurs.
Kızılırmak’ın sunduğu kil, pek çok medeniyetin kültüründe önemli bir yer tutmuş ve onlarca yıl boyunca şekil verilerek farklı ürünler üretilmiştir. Avanos’ta, bu geleneği yaşatan usta eller, geleneksel yöntemlerle bu mirası günümüze taşımaktadır. Kilin dokusuyla, geçmişin izleri hâlâ canlı bir şekilde aktarılmakta, hem sanatsal hem de fonksiyonel ürünler üretilmektedir. Bu süreç, Avanos’un kültürel zenginliğini ve tarihten gelen el sanatlarını gözler önüne sermektedir.